A downloadable game

Life++ is a simple Survival Clicker game about life

This project was created in 5 days period during Unity education at PISMO Novska

Programmer: Igor Čulić

Art: Igor Čulić

Mentor: Dominik Cvetkovski


You have to gather 21 000 000 Bitcoins to win the game.

To do that, you have to go to work to make money. But for work, you have to be healthy and have enough energy. For energy, be careful to eat and exercise often to increase fitness. The more dates you go to, and more books you read, the more you earn. But dates are expensive (you need to have at least 1 whole Bitcoin to date!). You can press 'P' at any time to pause the game and decide your next click! 

Balance your life with work, exercise, eating, dating and reading to become the richest person alive!

If your health or money falls to 0, you have lost the game of Life++. Good Luck!


SetupLife++.exe 32 MB


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Very nice game, a lot of potential!

Very nice graphic, great potential. Keep up the good work mate!

i had no idea what to do

I've added simple instruction to game description. Game is not yet fully optimized, hope I will get to it in the next few days. Hope you had fun playing the game :)